Monday, April 21, 2014

I love my life!‏

Pero en serio, mucho.

¡¡Hola todos!! ¿QUE TAL?

Guess what is the best feeling ever! When Juan Carlos received the Aaronic Priesthood!!! Me mata... I love this work! Oh! And!
I AM SO VERY HAPPY FOR BECKY AND HER NEW BABY GIRL! Jaelyn! I have a sobrina! Yeeee :) She is precious! Congratulations Becky! 

Okay people. Here's what's goin' on. We are in the Chacabuco Branch, and I Love it! The best branch ever. I don't think I've loved a people more in my life. I seriously have given my whole soul to them, and this town. But, only about 20 people come to Sacrament meeting on a weekly basis, and there are 300+ members. In reality, the branch is suffering, A LOT. But really, a lot. There's a ton of "murmuring" I guess you could say, about the leadership and other members that really REALLY kills the spirit and keeps people from coming. There's a whole lot of drama and bad feelings all around. And iniquity, to top it all off. But the main thing is that there is so much PRIDE en todos lados. It's ridiculous really. But, all you can do is love them! We just love them and serve them! All while doing our work, and completing our goals as missionaries, which is to help bring new souls unto Christ. 


We have received revelation. Please turn RIGHT NOW to HELAMAN 4:23-25. And read it. BOOM! How powerful is that?! The first part of vs. 25... Woah! And now read verse 13 of that same chapter. WOAH!!! The first part is huge. "And because of this their great wickedness, and their boasting in their own strength, they were left in their own strength" (and not the Lord's)!!!!!!! The branch is literally doing everything on their own. Without revelation or inspiration or love! That's not how Christ's Church works.

Here is our solution/revelation we as a companionship received to help the branch. ALMA 60:23. Second part of that verse says "God has said that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also" !!!! (see also Matthew 23:26). And so, we are starting from the INWARD part of the issue! (and then working our way outward) And helping the active members and leaders rid themselves of this pride and drama, and really remember what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is! What it's all about! We're working with the leaders first, and visiting and home teachers, and with them, we are bringing back the less-actives, and working our way outward, to the outer vessel. (Inactives and investigators).

It is so much easier to do our work as missionaries when the branch is strong! On the other hand, it is seriously a CONSTANT battle as a missionary if the branch is weak. Once, we brought an investigator to church (and she absolutely loved it). But she said to us afterwards, "why does everyone only come to the last hour (sacrament meeting)? Why do I have to come at 9?" I about died in that moment. And so from this moment on, we've been working with the members to help them understand the importance of church, and coming to all 3 hours! After all, we need to adapt to the Gospel of Jesus Christ... the Gospel isn't going to adapt to us... 

I love the Book of Mormon, and being able to apply it directly to our lives! My prayers were answered this morning in a miraculous way, through the Book of Mormon. HUGE Tender Mercy!! 

And so, we're doing all this, all while doing our job as missionaries and bringing new souls unto Christ and His Church. It is a TON TON TON of work. It literally is taking all I have out of me. But I know as we do this, as Representatives of Him, He will help us in every aspect of His work. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!

I love you all, FLAMMY! :D Keep being great! Choose the right! Read and apply For the Strength of Youth and apply it 2x daily! ;) haha, yes I'm a doctor... 

Happy birthday to Jaelyn Lee! hehe :)

Hermana Gardner

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