Monday, October 6, 2014

La Conferencia "Genial"

"Genial" means awesome. haha

¡Hola mundo! Okay, I have 1 million things to say, and so I think I'll start with number 27. 
I love my companion. She is like, my soul mate best friend. I love being her companion and helping her learn the language and the ways of Argentina. She is a stud of a missionary! And person :)

Okay, General Conference was SPECTACULAR! If you haven't already seen all of the sessions, get it done! I absolutely loved every talk. If you all remember, a 70 named Jorg "Something" spoke, and he made an impact for sure. I love what he said about not rationalizing our behavior or be easily offended by others. And he also said a lot of direct things that we all need to change in our lives! Stud! And I also loved the very last talk, by Elder Bednar that was directed toward all non-members! He explained WHY were are a "missionary" church and why we want everyone to know what we know. I loved the band-aid analogy. SO GREAT! You are all lucky because you have the opportunity to have the talks at your fingertips at all times. We have to wait like 3 months to get it in the Liahona. So I'll get to read all the talks when i get home :) 

Commercial: For those of you don't know how to access these talks, go to and you can find all of these talks given by the prophet, the 12 apostles, and other leaders of the church. :) 

The Scarfo Family loved conference, even their little son was super excited about the Mo-Tab and the organ! We also brought another investigator Adela, and she loved it. She said she felt something powerful in her heart. 

So that the world knows... I know that the Church and the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ have been Restored to the earth again. We have a prophet today, like Noah, Moses,etc. and 12 apostles like Christ had. God and Jesus Christ literally visited the boy Joseph Smith in 1820 to answer his specific question, which of all the churches was right.. He was answered that none of them had the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some years later, Joseph Smith was called of God to be the prophet for these days.
But everyone can know this for themselves if they read, study, and pray about the Book of Mormon. I know these things are true! I know they are. 

I love you all! Remember to read the Book of Mormon every day! :)

Hermana Gardner

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